

I'm watching the Democratic Convention tonight. Barack Obama is speaking now. Here we go again. The sad, sad commentary about people who can't pay the mortgage, People who are driving cars they can't afford to make payments on, People who don't have enough money to make their credit card payments. Oh, things are sooooo bad! Mom and dad are sitting at the kitchen table at midnight wondering where the money will come from! They don't want to let the kids to see them like this. He's talking about the people in Michigan who are suffering from this horrible economy. (Don't tell them that Michigan is over taxed and has a poor business climate. Don't tell them Michigan is overprotected by unions that demand much from the hand that feeds them but not enough from the people they represent.)

Things are pretty bad according to Barack! What will he propose to solve America's woes? I'm waiting..................OH, his grandmother taught him about hard work! She gave him the courage to go on and become what he is today! He's attacking big business now, they have lots of responsibilities! "I am my brothers keeper",(I smell a tax increase coming). "I will cut taxes for 95% of taxpayers". In 10 years we will no longer need oil from the middle east by using (not drilling), clean coal and nuclear power! He'll help re-tool the auto industry and make sure they build cars we can afford! He'll advance wind and solar energy and create 5 million new jobs! He'll educate everyone and hire new teachers and give them higher pay!

If you provide service to our country or government you can trade your service for education! He'll give health care to everyone! He'll lower our insurance premiums or give us the same coverage as congress! He'll mandate coverage provided by insurance companies! He'll give us more sick days, more leave of absence, so we won't have to decide between a job and our children! He'll protect social security! He'll demand equal pay for equal days work for our sons and daughters! He'll pass new bankruptcy laws!

How will he pay for all this? He'll close loopholes and save Americas tax dollars by eliminating programs that don't work and make the rest more efficient. There will need to be more responsibility from each of us! We must all do our part! Programs can't replace parents! The government can't turn off our tv's! Mutual responsibility for all!

Oh, he's ready to debate McCain on foreign policy! He's for more troops! (in Afghanistan). He's going after Bin Laden in his cave! He'll take us out of Iraq so we can concentrate on future threats! He'll defeat the terrorist threat and protect Georgia from Russia by strengthening our alliances! Tough talk and bad strategy is not what America needs! The Democrats are strong on Defense? Oh my!! thats a new one! He'll end the Iraq war responsibly! (he won't say victoriously). He'll finish the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban! Rebuild our military! Stop Iran's nuclear threat and Russia's advancement through tough renewed diplomacy! With new partnerships he will defeat terrorism, nuclear proliferation, poverty, genocide, climate change, and disease! He will restore Americas moral standing, so America is once again that last, best hope for all who are called to the cause of freedom, who long for lives of peace, who yearn for a better future! He'll pursue all these policies! It won't be easy, and will require tough choices!

He won't help stop abortion but he'll help stop pregnancies! He'll make sure gays can visit each other in the hospital! Immigration? Just a tease, he didn't have anything.

It's not about him, its about us! Change! Change! Change! The Change we need is coming! March into the future together!!

I'm sorry, but this guy actually scares me. This a socialist agenda and if this guy gets elected it'll be goodbye to My America. The land of the Free, home of the Brave! God protect us from ourselves.


  1. I was getting short of breath reading that. I didn't watch him at the DNC. I knew I couldn't stomach it. If I got all nauseated just reading what he said I know I probably wouldn't have enjoyed watching it come from him! Thanks for keeping me updated, dad! P.s. I love your profile. Perfect is wonderful description of me :-) Ha! I do respect your upbringing. I didn't know that Grandpa had two jobs, but how else do you feed nine kids? And I also didn't know that you started working when you were 14. You've always been a very hard worker. You taught me great work ethics.

  2. I'm still trying to figure out which side of the 95% is getting left out of tax cuts. Is it the top 5% of wealth earners that are currently paying 60% of federal income taxes or the bottom 5% of wealth earners that pay 0% of taxes? How exactly do you cut taxes of zero dollars? I think everyone knows which side Obama was referring to. He is the type that believes that the top 5% owes even more than they pay already. He thinks they ought to be responsible for more than 60% of the country's tax income. Why not? After all, it's the country, the government, the opportunities, the education, and the 'blue collar' workers that has allowed people to attain this income level. It's not possible that these people just worked harder, longer, sacrificed a little more, managed their finances properly and invested wisely. Obama believes these people stepped on the backs of the little people to get there. Why does he say that? Does he really believe that? It doesn't matter if he does because that's what the people that will vote for him believe and that's all that matters.

  3. Remember, Obama says he will debate McCain, I can't wait! Obama with no telepromptor, .. wow, this could be a long uh, uh, uh, umm,umm, ...debate!

  4. Ha!! I just watched the whole Obama porion of the Saddleback forum and could not believe all of the "uuuh...ummmm...hmmm...uh's" that he did. I was only able to watch the first ten minutes of the McCain part and he was so much more articulate. He quietly thought before his answers and had genuine, intelligent responses. I laughed when Obama didn't get his own reference to the first line of "purpose driven life" when he said "it's not about me". the whole crowd and Pastor Warren all laughed, but Obama didn't get it. Then when it was McCain's turn, he said "just like your book says, 'it's not about us'". Obviously, Obama never read that book. It's a life changing book. I think he needs to read it and I'm glad McCain has.


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