
Are you voting for Obama?

Are you a Democrat?

If you are voting the Democratic ticket, I just absolutely must ask WHY?

Forgive me, but I honestly don’t think that you are in possession of the facts. I believe that if you were aware of the consequences of a Democratically controlled White House and Congress you would vote Republican. I believe a review of your own values would cause you to agree with me. Let me see if I can prove myself.

I’ll focus on major issues affecting our Great Nation, the United States of America. And by the way, do you love America? It seems vogue in some circles to denigrate our country. Tell me, is there another country’s citizens who do this?


The Saddleback forum left no doubt where the candidates stand on this perpetual moral issue. And don’t tell me we shouldn’t be legislating morality. We must, and do legislate morality all the time.

Obama and most Democrats support abortion. McCain and most Republicans support life. Where do you stand? Do you support the woman’s right to make the decision to abort? It’s her body right? How many of us know someone who became pregnant before marriage and took the morning after pill or decided on abortion? How convenient was that? Saved a lot of grief didn’t it? Does that make it the right decision? Take a quiet moment right now please. Ask God. What does He say to you?

You might say “This is America, home of the free, let everyone make their own free choice.” Well, Just because we are a free society, should that give us the right to kill our babies? I don’t think so. Republicans are on the right side of this issue.

When does life begin? At what point does a fetus gain constitutional rights? Once again, from the Saddleback forum, Obama has no idea when life begins (its above his pay grade), McCain believes life and rights begin at conception. At what point do you believe that life begins? It begins at conception doesn’t it? You would be on the Republican side of this issue.

Barack Obama is hoping to grab evangelical voters by misleading them about his pro-abortion views. But Obama cannot run away from his far-left track-record. Obama has always supported the controversial 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that made abortions legal. He previously spoke AGAINST a law that would give life-saving care to babies who survive failed abortions, but now the Democrats have changed their tune to say he also “strongly” backs a woman's decision to carry a pregnancy to term. Obama doesn’t believe babies born alive during a failed abortion should have the same rights of other babies. He’s said “whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a—a child, a nine-month-old—child that was delivered to term.”

If you haven’t seen the Saddleback forum answers on this issue, please view the video below.

Barack Obama has the most liberal voting record of any US Senator and his VP pick, Joe Biden, holds the 3rd most liberal voting record. The possibility of an Obama Presidency along with the likelihood that Democrats will gain additional seats in the House and Senate is a disastrous scenario for the United States.

Next issue: Energy


  1. Just one question...did your family immigrate here? Because then it's not really "your" America.

    Nice try though. People always seem to forget that they were the first immigrants.

  2. Hi Anonymous. Yes, his (my) family immigrated here from the Netherlands. "Our" America (yours too, I presume) was built on immigrants! But they were of the law-abiding, legal type. Maybe from now on, he should be using the phrase "illegal immigrants" repetitively so as not to confuse you.


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