
Punished with a Baby - Obama on Abortion

I know our country is far from perfect. And like I said, I don't like the direction we are heading in. However, I do believe our country was and still is grounded in our faith in God. Believers have not banded together to impose change or resist government action like citizens have on other issues. Voters have stopped congress from giving citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants by calling their representatives and voicing their opinion. Just recently a ban on drilling and shale oil production was allowed to expire because of citizens cries to drill here and drill now.
We can and do make a difference with our votes and with our voices.
I would love to see the abortion issue left to the states to decide. If each state could vote on abortion laws then the citizens would make that decision by punching the ballot. Wouldn't that make a difference? If you were a part of the decision making?
Do you want a pro-abortionist as president? Not me, it's the WRONG DIRECTION!


Prayer, God and War: The Media Elites v. Palin, Clinton, JFK, FDR, and Lincoln

Charlie Gibson try's to trap Sarah Palin by misquoting her prayer request. Another example of media bias not only against Republicans but also against religion. Clips of other Democratic Presidents illustrate how they also called upon God.


Media Bias?

Charlie Gibson obviously has no respect for Sarah Palin. I've never seen an interview conducted where the person being interviewed was treated with such disdain. The questions were asked in such condescending manor. Up until I saw how John McCain was treated on the "View" recently, I had never seen an interviewee disrespected so badly. Asking questions to reveal Sarah's position on the issues is relevant, however the way this interview was conducted was inappropriate. Charlie Gibson should be ashamed of himself.

Here's a sample of the types of questions Charlie asked Obama in an earlier interview compared to questions asked to Sarah Palin.

Obama interview:

How does it feel to break a glass ceiling?
How does it feel to “win”?
How does your family feel about your “winning” breaking a glass ceiling?
Who will be your VP?
Should you choose Hillary Clinton as VP?
Will you accept public finance?
What issues is your campaign about?
Will you visit Iraq?
Will you debate McCain at a town hall?
What did you think of your competitor’s [Clinton] speech?

Palin interview:

Do you have enough qualifications for the job you’re seeking? Specifically have you visited foreign countries and met foreign leaders?
Aren’t you conceited to be seeking this high level job?
Questions about foreign policy
-territorial integrity of Georgia
-allowing Georgia and Ukraine to be members of NATO
-NATO treaty
-Iranian nuclear threat
-what to do if Israel attacks Iran
-Al Qaeda motivations
-the Bush Doctrine
-attacking terrorists harbored by Pakistan
Is America fighting a holy war? [misquoted Palin]

Do you notice the bias? Or is it just me?


Nationalized Health Care

I'll admit, health care in the U.S. has serious issues. The system seems to be broken and costs are out of control. Nobody can afford to pay for health care and everyone needs health insurance. It's not surprising that a May Quinnipiac University poll found that 61 percent of Americans thought it was "the government's responsibility to make sure that everyone in the United States has adequate health care." In a Gallup poll taken last November, 81 percent of respondents said they were dissatisfied with the cost of health care and 73 percent thought U.S. health care was either in a "state of crisis" or had "major problems." With the costs of health care skyrocketing, businesses are becoming increasingly sympathetic to the idea of government stepping in and taking the problem off their hands.

It's odd that with only 6 percent of Americans purchasing their own health care that there is such a movement to socialize our health care industry. With costs rising much faster than the rate of inflation our democratic leaders should be outraged! They should be advocating and threatening to impose a windfall profits tax on the evil health care providers. How can the high costs of health care be justified? TAX the evil empire of health care providers who are price gouging the poor American public! But no, you don't hear any of that do you? What are we led to believe? We're told that the government must step in and stop this social injustice. There are some poverty stricken people out there who can't afford insurance premiums and others who are too ill to insure! The government must step in and take over this broken industry and guarantee that every American man, woman and child can obtain affordable health care!

Is that what you want? Is that what's best for Americans? Lets look at what got us here in the first place.

It started in 1943, when the Internal Revenue Service ruled that workers did not have to pay taxes on health benefits purchased through their employers. With wage and price controls in place during World War II and labor scarce, many employers took advantage of the favorable tax status to attract workers. In 1954, the ruling became a permanent part of the tax code. As a result, by 2006, employer-sponsored plans accounted for 64 percent of coverage in the U.S., according to data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. With government programs covering an additional 30 percent, only 6 percent of Americans actually purchase their own health insurance. Over time, the unintended consequences of that ruling have become obvious.

The biggest consequence our current employer-based private insurance model is that, combined with Medicare and Medicaid, it helped create a system in which most Americans are isolated from the ultimate costs of health care. Like teenagers with their parents' credit cards, most Americans have no incentive to shop around for the best deal or to limit their spending to what is medically necessary. We value shop for all other goods and services. In a normal competitive market, it is precisely this process that encourages businesses to innovate, allowing them to reduce costs and improve quality.

The employer-based system limits choice. Most employers offer just a few options. It makes people afraid to leave their jobs because they are worried about losing heath benefits. And ultimately, the current system is unfair because the favorable tax treatment is not extended to the growing ranks of self-employed Americans, who are forced to purchase insurance in the inflated individual market. Individual state regulations drive up costs by requiring insurers to provide certain benefits. It’s no coincidence that New York, one of the most regulated states, is also among the most expensive markets.

So, do you think that the answer to this mess is more government regulation? Why is it that Democrats, who are so suspicious of our government, are willing to let them take over our health care system? Is it because they want more "free" stuff, paid for by "greedy" corporations?

Do you really want your government to dominate the health care sector in which spending tops $2 trillion annually? That's about one-seventh of the U.S. economy!

John McCain is an advocate of the free market, consumer-driven approach to health care in which the market for medical services resembles the market for other goods and services, where competition has forced prices to decline and quality to improve. You don't think it will work? It works with tv's and computers, why not with health care?

In the current health-care system, there are several reasons why technological progress hasn't had the same results. There is the third-party buyer problem as discussed above, but there is also a lack of transparency. In the rest of the U.S. economy, there is a wealth of information available to shoppers who want to compare prices and quality. Websites such as CNET.com and epinions.com, as well as magazines such as Consumer Reports, give Americans the ability to comparison shop; J.D. Power and Associates and Car and Driver allow those looking for an automobile to find a wide range of data, from performance to fuel efficiency. And yet, in the midst of the information age, Americans are forced to make life and death health-care decisions with little or no information available to help them.

Americans have a hunger for health care-related information. WebMD Health Corp. owns and operates more than a half-dozen Internet-based sites for health information that attract more than 50 million visitors each month. Another site, eHealthInsurance.com, which makes it about as easy for consumers to shop for health plans online as it would be for them to purchase airline tickets, has enjoyed tremendous growth in recent years. The revenue of its parent company, eHealth Inc., has rocketed from $16.5 million in 2002 to $88 million in 2007, and the firm recently projected it would be as high as $117 million this year. While this is just a drop in the bucket compared to overall health-care spending in the U.S., its growth suggests that consumers will respond when given the opportunity to compare prices and quality. Quickly browsing the site shows that in the low-regulation state of Wyoming, a 30-year-old male can choose from 61 plans ranging from a bare-bones policy with a $5,000 deductible that costs $50.82 per month to a plan with zero deductible for $217 a month. In New York City, only 12 plans are available, ranging from a $136.85 per month policy that only covers hospital services to a comprehensive plan costing a staggering $887.85 a month.

Evidence suggests that the free market system will work in a consumer-driven health care system. For instance, the cost of LASIK eye surgery has declined by 30 percent in the past decade, and the inflation-adjusted price of cosmetic surgery has declined over the past 15 years despite a six-fold increase in demand.

Health Care analysts offer several ideas for reforms that would usher in a consumer-based market. Most pressing is the need to change the tax code that makes the country overly dependent on employer-based policies. One option would be to extend the same tax status to individuals purchasing insurance on their own, which would lower the ranks of the uninsured and allow people to maintain their insurance when they leave their jobs.

Another reform would be to allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines, which would create a national market. Also, require hospitals and doctors to publish prices, so that consumers can make informed choices.

What about pre-existing conditions and chronic illness? One option is to create risk pools, which have already been experimented with in some states. Under this system, all the riskiest patients would be taken out of the normal insurance market and given the option to choose among a number of plans. At the end of each year, an administrator would tally up the cost of the losses for treating those patients, and insurers would divide up the cost among themselves. The result is that the losses get spread out, so no single insurer has to worry about getting stuck with a high concentration of the difficult cases. The point is that there are ways to approach caring for the sick that don't involve destroying the private health-care market.

So why not give the free market approach a chance? Why not limit government involvement instead of increase it? You know, once the government gets a hold of our health care system it will never give it back to free enterprise. Can you trust your government to NOT be involved?



I'm watching the Democratic Convention tonight. Barack Obama is speaking now. Here we go again. The sad, sad commentary about people who can't pay the mortgage, People who are driving cars they can't afford to make payments on, People who don't have enough money to make their credit card payments. Oh, things are sooooo bad! Mom and dad are sitting at the kitchen table at midnight wondering where the money will come from! They don't want to let the kids to see them like this. He's talking about the people in Michigan who are suffering from this horrible economy. (Don't tell them that Michigan is over taxed and has a poor business climate. Don't tell them Michigan is overprotected by unions that demand much from the hand that feeds them but not enough from the people they represent.)

Things are pretty bad according to Barack! What will he propose to solve America's woes? I'm waiting..................OH, his grandmother taught him about hard work! She gave him the courage to go on and become what he is today! He's attacking big business now, they have lots of responsibilities! "I am my brothers keeper",(I smell a tax increase coming). "I will cut taxes for 95% of taxpayers". In 10 years we will no longer need oil from the middle east by using (not drilling), clean coal and nuclear power! He'll help re-tool the auto industry and make sure they build cars we can afford! He'll advance wind and solar energy and create 5 million new jobs! He'll educate everyone and hire new teachers and give them higher pay!

If you provide service to our country or government you can trade your service for education! He'll give health care to everyone! He'll lower our insurance premiums or give us the same coverage as congress! He'll mandate coverage provided by insurance companies! He'll give us more sick days, more leave of absence, so we won't have to decide between a job and our children! He'll protect social security! He'll demand equal pay for equal days work for our sons and daughters! He'll pass new bankruptcy laws!

How will he pay for all this? He'll close loopholes and save Americas tax dollars by eliminating programs that don't work and make the rest more efficient. There will need to be more responsibility from each of us! We must all do our part! Programs can't replace parents! The government can't turn off our tv's! Mutual responsibility for all!

Oh, he's ready to debate McCain on foreign policy! He's for more troops! (in Afghanistan). He's going after Bin Laden in his cave! He'll take us out of Iraq so we can concentrate on future threats! He'll defeat the terrorist threat and protect Georgia from Russia by strengthening our alliances! Tough talk and bad strategy is not what America needs! The Democrats are strong on Defense? Oh my!! thats a new one! He'll end the Iraq war responsibly! (he won't say victoriously). He'll finish the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban! Rebuild our military! Stop Iran's nuclear threat and Russia's advancement through tough renewed diplomacy! With new partnerships he will defeat terrorism, nuclear proliferation, poverty, genocide, climate change, and disease! He will restore Americas moral standing, so America is once again that last, best hope for all who are called to the cause of freedom, who long for lives of peace, who yearn for a better future! He'll pursue all these policies! It won't be easy, and will require tough choices!

He won't help stop abortion but he'll help stop pregnancies! He'll make sure gays can visit each other in the hospital! Immigration? Just a tease, he didn't have anything.

It's not about him, its about us! Change! Change! Change! The Change we need is coming! March into the future together!!

I'm sorry, but this guy actually scares me. This a socialist agenda and if this guy gets elected it'll be goodbye to My America. The land of the Free, home of the Brave! God protect us from ourselves.


Energy: Drill here! Drill now!

Over 70% of Americans think we should be harvesting more of our own oil. Which party supports the will of the vast majority of Americans on this issue? Democrats? Republicans? It will become increasingly difficult to determine as the Presidential Race heats up.

I'll admit, both parties have dropped the ball when it comes to energy. Both parites have caved to the minority environmentalist groups who are against any type of energy expansion. Even though we've heard our leaders say we need to become more energy independant, none have done anything to bring us closer to that goal. Sad isn't it?

Here we are, dependent on foreign oil, sending billions of dollars to unfriendly countries when those dollars could be spent right here supporting our own economy. On August 1st our Democratically controlled Congress closed shop for 5 weeks, leaving town without allowing a vote on the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566), an “all of the above” energy bill that would include offshore drilling. Nancy Pelosi played the role of the Pied Piper as she left town with her Democratic puppets following her. Republican leaders remained in Washington begging them to return to work and address this critical issue. What did Ms. Pelosi say? She said "Let them IMAGINE a vote!"

What's wrong with congress? What makes them think they can ignore the needs of America and put our Country at peril, bowing to those who deliver oil to us? Watch closely now, as Democrats begin to soften on this issue as Americans continue to cry out for more energy! The solution is simple, allow us to go get the oil. The Dems are going to complicate this issue and try to avoid looking like the guilty party as they block attempts to lessen our dependence on foreing oil.

WATCH, WATCH, WATCH!! Because for once, Congress can just do nothing and America will be on the road to energy independence .

Two huge domestic sources of energy–much of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) that surrounds our nation and the federal government’s oil shale lands in the West—will be open for drilling access on October 1 if Congress doesn’t extend a year-by-year appropriations rider that has stopped oil-shale energy production for the past year, and OCS production for 27 years.
By simply doing nothing, these bans will expire, and these taxpayer-owned resources will become available to add jobs, energy and national security for our nation.

The oldest of the bans is the annual rider that has been added to the bill that funds the government every year since 1981. It has made the U.S. the only developed economy in the world where it is illegal to produce our own energy on our own offshore lands.

The good news about these riders is that since they have to be renewed between now and October 1, the heightened awareness of Americans about our energy situation may mean that the nation will benefit, because, as everyone knows, if Congress is good at one thing, it’s doing nothing, and if they do nothing about these riders, America will be on the road to finally doing something about producing more energy at home.

Follow this link to Energy Freedom Day ! Support the effort to allow these riders to expire on October 1st. Also, watch closely as Democrats try to prevent the riders from expiring by attaching renewals to a must pass government funding bill and you will come to realize that you too are on the Republican side of the energy issue!

Next Issue: National Health Care


Are you voting for Obama?

Are you a Democrat?

If you are voting the Democratic ticket, I just absolutely must ask WHY?

Forgive me, but I honestly don’t think that you are in possession of the facts. I believe that if you were aware of the consequences of a Democratically controlled White House and Congress you would vote Republican. I believe a review of your own values would cause you to agree with me. Let me see if I can prove myself.

I’ll focus on major issues affecting our Great Nation, the United States of America. And by the way, do you love America? It seems vogue in some circles to denigrate our country. Tell me, is there another country’s citizens who do this?


The Saddleback forum left no doubt where the candidates stand on this perpetual moral issue. And don’t tell me we shouldn’t be legislating morality. We must, and do legislate morality all the time.

Obama and most Democrats support abortion. McCain and most Republicans support life. Where do you stand? Do you support the woman’s right to make the decision to abort? It’s her body right? How many of us know someone who became pregnant before marriage and took the morning after pill or decided on abortion? How convenient was that? Saved a lot of grief didn’t it? Does that make it the right decision? Take a quiet moment right now please. Ask God. What does He say to you?

You might say “This is America, home of the free, let everyone make their own free choice.” Well, Just because we are a free society, should that give us the right to kill our babies? I don’t think so. Republicans are on the right side of this issue.

When does life begin? At what point does a fetus gain constitutional rights? Once again, from the Saddleback forum, Obama has no idea when life begins (its above his pay grade), McCain believes life and rights begin at conception. At what point do you believe that life begins? It begins at conception doesn’t it? You would be on the Republican side of this issue.

Barack Obama is hoping to grab evangelical voters by misleading them about his pro-abortion views. But Obama cannot run away from his far-left track-record. Obama has always supported the controversial 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that made abortions legal. He previously spoke AGAINST a law that would give life-saving care to babies who survive failed abortions, but now the Democrats have changed their tune to say he also “strongly” backs a woman's decision to carry a pregnancy to term. Obama doesn’t believe babies born alive during a failed abortion should have the same rights of other babies. He’s said “whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a—a child, a nine-month-old—child that was delivered to term.”

If you haven’t seen the Saddleback forum answers on this issue, please view the video below.

Barack Obama has the most liberal voting record of any US Senator and his VP pick, Joe Biden, holds the 3rd most liberal voting record. The possibility of an Obama Presidency along with the likelihood that Democrats will gain additional seats in the House and Senate is a disastrous scenario for the United States.

Next issue: Energy