
Before You Vote Today, Consider This

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."
Psalm 33:12

Yes, God said that. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

Our nation was founded on on the declaration that God is the supreme ruler over man and our rights and liberties come form Him, not from our government.  Rather, government is instituted to secure these rights.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
As the United States has continued to remove God from its government, it is obviously becoming less blessed.  As a nation we have the responsibility and privilege to elect those who will lead us. We will reap what we sow.  For me, the choice in this election is obvious.  Stop, be still, listen to God, then vote.


The "C" Word (Americas Pathway Forward: Embrace the Past)

The future of America. What do you envision as the future of America? Do you believe America is a special nation among all other nations? Why have people risked their lives to come to this nation and live? What draws them to US?

Our Nation is founded upon our Constitution and by following our Constitution we have become the "Land of the free and home of the brave." This is where people come to live free. This is where people come because they know they will have an opportunity to be successful. This is the land of possibility! They come because in their own nation they are oppressed. By whom? By their government. Their government has too much control over their lives and their future.

Our Nation, many of these immigrants say, is becoming a nation very much like the one they have left. They have risked their lives to come here and now "we" are transforming ourselves into "them". Many of us don't recognize our pathway, but those who have experienced tyranny in the past, very clearly see the roots of tyranny presently growing here, in the Land of the Free.

Conservatism is the answer, the antidote, the injection required to save us from a future of tyranny, of oppression. Conservatism will bring us back to our roots again. Conservatism will return us to our constitution where we can learn again what made us such a great nation among all other nations. What made us great, will make us great once again. There are many who insist we must change, because our society is changing and evolving and so the nation should change with it. No, that's not the path. Those who recognize it, are telling us we are on the path to tyranny. This nation must grow, we must continue to be a beacon of hope for all who are not free. We will be that beacon of hope if we demand of our leaders that we hold fast to our roots, to our constitution, that formed our nation and made us a mighty people.


Obama accepts 'Osama bin Laden' donations

It's becoming increasingly obvious the Obama campaign does nothing to prevent illegal foreign donations from pouring into his campaign coffer. I can't imagine why the regular news media isn't investigating these illegal donations. This is but one of many documented accounts of violating Federal campaign finance law.

Obama Accepts Donations From Osama Bin Laden


Do you know what really happpened in Bengahzi Libya?

The following video seems to me an accurate summation of what is widely considered factual details with respect to what we know about the attack on our embassy in Benghazi Libya. We don't have all the details. However, an aggressive media could help uncover missing information. Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen soon. Justice with Judge Jeanine's Opening Statement 10/27

Choose You This Day

Here's an article that I was surprised to to see.  Not surprising  is that you probably won't see the story picked up by the majority of the regular news outlets.

We have believed the lie that political legislative decisions should not be considered through the prism of morality, but only by weighing what is fair and right declaring our individual freedom of choice.  The Bishop is clearly telling us that we should seek to elect those who will govern considering God's moral standard and also, God may hold us accountable for whom we cast our vote.

Please read the article..... and choose wisely.



It’s only murder if I wanted the baby | LifeSiteNews.com

Twisted.  A great example of a society that lost it's morality.  Killing a wanted unborn child is called murder, taking the life of an "unwanted" child is called freedom of choice.

It’s only murder if I wanted the baby | LifeSiteNews.com

Three Key Lessons for Modern Americans From a Refugee of Communism

Three Key Lessons for Modern Americans From a Refugee of Communism